SpotAiR - Integrations

Welcome to the page dedicated to the integration of SpotAiR on your website


SpotAiR has several possibilities to be integrated into your website, as links or widgets.

By link: the position of the map

It is possible to position the SpotAiR map by parameters added to the URL, in 2 different ways:
You can combine this integration with the displayed layers link integration
  • To center the map on a specific location, use the following parameters:
    • lat: the latitude (decimal, between -90 and 90)
    • lng: the longitude (decimal, between -180 and 180)
    • zoom (optionnal): the zoom level (between 0 allowing to see the whole world and 19 at the most precise)
  • To make the visible map completely encompass a rectangular geographic area, use the following parameters:
    • north: the North side latitude (decimal, between -90 and 90)
    • south: the South side latitude (decimal, between -90 and 90)
    • west: the West side longitude (decimal, between -180 and 180)
    • east: the East side longitude (decimal, between -180 and 180)

By link: the layers displayed

It is possible to specify the layers displayed on SpotAiR by parameters added to the URL
You can combine this integration with the map position link integration

The parameter is called "layers", it accepts as value a list of keywords (comma separator) designating each layer.

The following "layers" keywords are available, use the checkboxes and radio buttons in the configurator below to generate your custom link:
  • General:
    • webcam: the webcams
    • asnaturalzone: the natural zones
  • Free flight:
    • wind: the wind stations
    • asairspace: the airspaces
    • ltffvl: the FFVL findability
    • paraglidable: the forecast
    • skyways: the skyways map
    • thermals: the thermals map
  • The spots (only one possible):
    • None
    • spotpg: the Paragliding spots
    • spothg: the Hang-gliding spots
    • spotspeed: the Speed-Riding spots
    • spotkite: the Kite spots
    • spotstuntkite: the Stunt kite spots
    • spotboom: the Boomerang spots
    • spotice: the Ice climbing spots
    • spotclimb: the Climbing spots
  • The nebulosity:
    • radarrv: the rain radar (worldwide)
    • radarmf: the rain radar + forecast 3h (France)
    • satellite: the satellite images
    • lightning: the lightning strikes
  • The snow:
    • bra: the avalanche risks
    • snow: the snow heights
    • avalanche: the observed avalanches
    • ignSlopes: the slopes map of IGN (France)
    • geochSlopes: the slopes map of the Federal Topography Office (Swiss)
  • The POIs (Points Of Interest):
    • poiclub: the clubs
    • poischool: the schools
    • poitandem: the tandem flights
    • poiorg: the organizations
    • poiworkshop: the workshops
  • The maps (only one possible background map, several possible overlays) :
    • mot: OSM Mapnik / Open Topo
    • mapnik: OSM Mapnik
    • osmFr: OSM France
    • openTopo: Open Topo
    • ocm: Open Cycle Map
    • tracestrack: Tracestrack
    • ign: IGN (France)
    • ignScan25Tour: IGN Touristic Scan (France)
    • ignSat: IGN Satellite (France)
    • ignScanSat: IGN Scan / Satellite (France)
    • ignPlan: IGN Plan (France)
    • ignOaci: IGN OACI VFR (France)
    • geochLK: Geo CH Topo (Swiss)
    • geochOaci: Geo CH OACI VFR (Swiss)
    • geochVV: Geo CH Glider Map (Swiss)
    • mri:
    • arcgisTopo: ArcGIS Topo
    • arcgisWorld: ArcGIS Satellite
    • tfOutdoors: TF Outdoors
    • tfLandscape: TF Landscape
    • tfTransport: TF Transport
    • stamenTerrain: Stamen Terrain
    • stamenTerrainBackground: Stamen Terrain Background
    • stamenTerrainLabels: Stamen Terrain Labels
    • stamenTerrainLines: Stamen Terrain Lines
    • chkLight: Bright tiles
    • chkBlack: Dark tiles
  • Integration modes
    • Simple map widget (to integrate the SpotAiR map into your website)

By link: focus on a specific item

For items that can be shared by URL, SpotAiR features a "Share" entry in the details panel menu.
When you click on it, a dialog will show you a link that you can copy and share as you wish.

This integration is not compatible with either the map position link integration, or the displayed layers link integration.

The shareable items are the following, and you can also build the URL yourself (it's easier via SpotAiR though):

Widget: simple map

SpotAiR features a widget displaying a simplified map.
This simplified map does not display: the main menu, user menu, map layer controls, etc.

A widget is a web page that can be integrated into another web page, see example below:

<iframe width="600" height="350" frameBorder="0"

Widget: wind station

SpotAiR features a widget for wind stations.
A widget is a web page that can be integrated into another web page, see example below with the Saint-Hilaire du Touvet station:

SpotAiR features in the menu of the station's details panel an entry "Configure your widget".
By clicking on it, a dialog will show you all the possible options and the resulting html code that you will just have to integrate to your web page.

However, if you want to do this by hand, the widget url is composed as follows:
<iframe width="600" height="350" frameBorder="0"

The optional parameters are as follows:
  • mode: the mode
    • free_flight (default value): "Free flight" mode
    • kite: "Kite" mode
  • unit: wind speed unit
    • kmh (default value): kilometers per hour (kph)
    • mph : miles per hour
    • kts : knots
  • name: displays or not the name above the station (true/false, true as default)
  • quadrant: displays or not a dial around the station (true/false, false as default)
  • windValues: displays or not the min/avg/max values under the station (true/false, true as default)
  • dark: display on dark background or not (true/false, false as default)

On Android or iPhone mobiles, you can use a third-party application to display this widget on your home screen.
Here is a non-exhaustive list:

Widget: wind stations around me

SpotAiR features a widget displaying wind stations in 8 directions around your geographical position.
Your position is detected automatically and updated regularly if you have authorized geolocation.
Top left shows the station to your north-west, top right shows the station to your north-east, right shows the station to your east, ..., ..., and middle shows the station closest to you.

A widget is a web page that can be integrated into another web page, see example below:

The widget url is composed as follows:
<iframe width="200" height="200" frameBorder="0"

The optional parameters are as follows:
  • mode: the mode
    • free_flight (default value): "Free flight" mode
    • kite: "Kite" mode
  • unit: wind speed unit
    • kmh (default value): kilometers per hour (kph)
    • mph : miles per hour
    • kts : knots
  • name: displays or not the name above the station (true/false, true as default)
  • quadrant: displays or not a dial around the station (true/false, false as default)
  • windValues: displays or not the min/avg/max values under the station (true/false, true as default)
  • dark: display on dark background or not (true/false, true as default)
  • rad1: the radius in kms, which is the maximum distance for the station closest to you and the minimum distance for the 8 stations in the 8 directions. Default is 2 kms.
  • rad2: the radius in kms, which is the maximum distance for the 8 stations around you. Default is 20 kms.
  • square: square display (width = height) (true/false, true as default), otherwise full size

On Android or iPhone mobiles, you can use a third-party application to display this widget on your home screen.
Here is a non-exhaustive list:

Widget: custom wind stations list

SpotAiR features a widget displaying a custom list of wind stations.

A widget is a web page that can be integrated into another web page, see example below:

The widget url is composed as follows:
<iframe width="300" height="200" frameBorder="0"

The parameters are as follows:
  • stations (mandatory) : wind stations list to display (pairs <provider>/<id> separated by comma)

The optional parameters are as follows:
  • mode: the mode
    • free_flight (default value): "Free flight" mode
    • kite: "Kite" mode
  • unit: wind speed unit
    • kmh (default value): kilometers per hour (kph)
    • mph : miles per hour
    • kts : knots
  • name: displays or not the name above the station (true/false, true as default)
  • quadrant: displays or not a dial around the station (true/false, false as default)
  • windValues: displays or not the min/avg/max values under the station (true/false, true as default)
  • dark: display on dark background or not (true/false, false as default)

On Android or iPhone mobiles, you can use a third-party application to display this widget on your home screen.
Here is a non-exhaustive list: